Being a parent is a wonderful gift- dont be afraid to ask for help!

Parenting Coordinator (PC) :

The core goal is to help divorced parents learn how to co-parent, which is necessary for effective parenting without having to return to the legal system to resolve disagreements. Usually a PC is Court Ordered but on occasion a couple will request to attend Coordination to address the “best interest of the child.” A PC is a child-focused alternative dispute resolution process that assists high conflict parents to implement their parenting plan.

The overall objective of a PC is to:

  1. Assist high conflict parents to implement their parenting plan
  2. Resolve conflicts regarding the children and parenting
  3. Protect and sustain a safe, healthy and meaningful parent child relationships

I am a Court Appointed accredited PC in the State of New Jersey.

Parenting Reunification:

When a parent and a child have not been in contact for a lengthy period of time, I work with that parent and child to help open the lines of communication and to determine how to address the road blocks. With guidance and wisdom, the goal is to help heal the wounds between parent and child.




